My checklist for books
My checklist for books

  • ISBN 13: Either upload your own or CS will make one available immediately.
  • ISBN 10: Either upload your own or CS will make one available immediately.
  • So the time for this step could be doubled if a second print copy is necessary. Again, if changes need to be made, your file will need to be edited and uploaded, and a new print copy will need to be sent out.

    my checklist for books

  • Ordered copy: one week delivery + time to read it.
  • If changes are needed, this step will take longer. If no changes are needed, it only takes long enough to review the proof.
  • Upload: 1 hour for both regular and large print.
  • Links and ISBNS for at least one publisher such as Amazon.
  • my checklist for books

  • Ebook Format: See the Kindle Direct Publishing FAQ for allowable formatsīookshare (Books for the blind and print disabled).
  • Cover picture (.jpg) height/width ratio of 1.6 (minimum 1000 x 1600).
  • ISBN: You can include one of your own, or an ASIN will be assigned once the book is processed.
  • Courtesy: Pixabay Step 1: Publishing Checklist In this way, it may take some fiddling to figure out the perfect timeline, but this list should get you started. But keep in mind that some of the line items are reliant on other sites doing their jobs before you can take the next step, such as Amazon building your book page before you can add your title to your Author Central page. In general, most of these steps will be completed in the week prior to pushing the publish button-with the exception of Createspace, which can take more time. And you may choose not to include the portions of the process that you’re outsourcing, such as writing the marketing copy. Your sheets may also include more outlets, such as Ingram Spark, Google Play, iBooks, or ACX. My advice is to print off the following checklists and begin by crossing off the line items that don’t apply every author uses a variety of distributors and marketing methods, so if you don’t use Draft2Digital or HootSuite, just delete those. It’s helped me so much that I wanted to share it with you. This is why I created my own publishing and marketing checklists, so I always know what needs to be done, and in what order. It sounds daunting because there are so many things to remember. But what about after the book is written? Do you know the publishing and marketing steps you’ll need to follow to get your work out into the world? There are already many useful resources available that can help you plan and prepare that novel. Organizing and writing your novel is obviously the first step in the publication process. This post is longer than our typical one, but it’s worthwhile since it’s got so much necessary information in one spot. Well! April Brown has put together a publishing checklist to take the pain and panic out of remembering everything you need to do to publish your book.

    #My checklist for books software#

    Just tell me about a spreadsheet, container system, or software that helps keeps things organized, and I am ALL OVER IT. You all may not know that I’m kind of an organizational freak.

    my checklist for books

    Guys! I’m am SO stoked about today’s post.

    My checklist for books